happimethodBy happimethod

January 13, 2017

Polishing your wood furniture never felt so good! Indulge your skin and awaken your senses, all while you’re cleaning house!


4oz. bottle of Jojoba Oil

54 drops of Sweet Orange Essential Oil


1Add 50 drops of Sweet Orange Essential Oil to 4oz. of Jojoba Oil

2Shake well

3After cleaning wood surfaces with your homemade Vinegar Lemon Cleanser… Squirt several drops of Sweet Orange Citrus Wood Polish onto a clean soft cloth --- NOTE: Do not squirt directly onto furniture and test polish in an inconspicuous area first, just to be safe

4Rub cloth in a circular motion across entire wood surface until it shines, go back over with a dry soft cloth to remove any excess Oil

5Your wood will shine, your skin will glow, and your senses will tingle… Cleaning just doesn’t get much better than that

Always use Organic 100% pure Essential Oils --- Why choose Organic??? Click here to learn more!!!


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