happimethodBy happimethod

January 10, 2017

What better way to melt away the winter snow than sunshine and Watermelon! These easy to prepare pops are a delicious opportunity to indulge and detoxify all at once…If your little ones leave you any, that is!

  • Prep: 10 mins
  • Yields: 15-20 Popsicles


1 Seedless Watermelon

1 Bag of Coconut Sugar

Popsicle Sticks


1Cut your Seedless Watermelon into triangular shaped slices

2Cut a small slit in the center of the rind of each slice and insert a Popsicle stick. Push the stick about 1/4 of the way into the Watermelon.

3Sprinkle each side lightly with a little Coconut Sugar.

4Lay each slice flat on your tray or dish covered in Aluminum Foil and freeze for at least 3-4 hours. Enjoy!

NOTES ---------------


Always use Organic and Non-GMO ingredients to avoid harmful pesticides and genetically modified foods. Click here to learn more!


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