happimethodBy happimethod

January 12, 2017

Oil pulling is an enlightened approach to personal well-being, and is something to recognize that creating a permanent positive change in the environment of your mouth means that along with oil pulling; eating a healthy well balanced diet, consuming less alcohol, maintaining good oral hygiene, and consuming Probiotic foods all play a critical role in your body’s natural ability to heal itself.

Click here to find out more about “The Art Of Oil Pulling” 

  • Prep: 20 mins
  • Yields: 1 tbsp.


1 tbsp. of Organic – Virgin or Extra Virgin – Cold Pressed – Coconut Oil ------ NOTE: You may use any kind of vegetable oil for this, however I would recommend Coconut Oil as it has the lightest taste and has anti-fungal / anti-bacterial properties thanks to the Lauric Acid and Monolaurin.)



120 minutes is the recommended amount of time for oil pulling to work properly, remember to do this on an empty stomach in the morning so that your body is not already hard at work breaking down more bacteria’s and acids from the foods you’ve consumed throughout the day.

2Take 1 tbsp. of Organic – Virgin or Extra Virgin – Cold Pressed – Coconut Oil (you may use any kind of vegetable oil for this, however I would recommend Coconut Oil as it has the lightest taste and has anti-fungal / anti-bacterial properties thanks to the Lauric Acid and Monolaurin.)

3Caution: If you have never eaten coconut oil, first make sure you are not allergic. Test for contact dermatitis by rubbing a small amount of coconut oil in the crease of your elbow before putting it in your mouth.

4Gently swish it back and forth in your mouth for 20 minutes. Take care not to swallow any as you will be gulping down all of the toxins it’s pulling out of your body. By the time 20 minutes is up the oil will have doubled in size! Go ahead and spit your coconut oil out into the garbage can, as not to run the risk of the oil clogging up your sink.


1Now take a couple of pinches of Organic Himalayan sea salt and stir into a small cup of filtered water. Rinse and gargle twice with your sea salt solution. Doing this will give your mouth an extra anti-microbial rinse and is very soothing to inflamed, damaged and receding gums.


1Now go brush your teeth, tongue, and the roof of your mouth to rid your mouth of the remaining bacteria and oil. Afterwards, I also recommend blowing your nose to get rid of any built up bacteria containing mucus in the nasal cavity as well floss your teeth and rinse one more time for an extra clean smile!

2Start out by oil pulling for 5 days straight to cleanse your body and rebalance your good bacteria, then back down to a maintenance regimen of 2 or 3 times a week. Too much disinfecting will actually create further imbalances in the long run by disrupting the natural balance of flora in the mouth.

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Click here to find out more about “The Art Of Oil Pulling”


Always use Organic and Non-GMO ingredients to avoid harmful pesticides and genetically modified foods. Click here to learn more!


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