By happimethod
January 12, 2017
If you’re feeling a bit under the weather this potent little life saver is an immunity warrior that’s here to help your body fight off the infection!
- Prep: 25 mins
- Yields: 1 Serving
1Cut your Lemon in half. (You can save the other half for later.)
2Finely mince your Garlic cloves. Leave your minced Garlic sit on your cutting board for 15-20 mins. to allow the chemical compound Allicin to form. Doing this will largely increase the Garlic’s immune enhancing properties. Click here to learn more!
3Squeeze out all of the juice and peel out the rest of the entire inside of your 1/2 Lemon into a glass bowl, discarding all seeds. (DO NOT place your Garlic into the bowl with the Lemon Juice until the 20 mins. have passed.)
4Once you have given your minced Garlic a chance to get potent, add it to your bowl of Lemon juice | interior flesh mixture, along with the Cayenne Pepper and Honey or Agave Nectar.
5Stir, and eat with a spoon straight from the bowl. Chew the Garlic as well as you can to further intensify it’s healing potency
6Eating this Tonic 2-3 times per week is a healthy habit to form, helping to keep your immune system functioning at it’s highest potential. In the case that you are sick or feel something coming on, take this Tonic at least twice daily until your symptoms begin to subside. Then back down to taking once a day until symptoms are gone. Then take as needed or 2-3 x per week routinely.
NOTES ---------------
Always use Organic and Non-GMO ingredients to avoid harmful pesticides and genetically modified foods. Click here to learn more!
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